Wilbur Ellis
Wil-Gro Turf Starter 10-8-5 3kg/100 sq.mt.
Wil-Gro Turf Starter 10-8-5 is a professional fertiliser suitable for greens, tees and sportfields. Ideal to use when seeding, renovating or when Phosphorus levels are low. The micro-nutrient package makes this ideal for green up and will improve vigour of phosphorus deficient turf.
Wilbur Ellis Complete Green 17-1-12 & traces 250 kg/Ha
Wilbur Ellis Complete Green 17-1-12 & 1% Fe, 2% Mg, .3% Mn, .12% Zn, 1.75% Humic Acid is a completely balanced fertiliser that contains trace elements as well as humic acid to promote microbial activity in the soil. The high levels of trace elements will improve soil structure and Cation Exchange Capacity.