Seedling Damping Off
Banol 6.5 L/Ha
Banol is a proven, reliable systemic fungicide which is highly effective in controlling Pythium diseases.
Heritage Maxx 6 L/Ha
Heritage Maxx is best used as part of a preventative plan. The Maxx technology ensures excellent tank mix compatibility with other fungicides, foliar fertilisers and Primo Maxx.
Signature Xtra Stressgard 5.5 – 16.5 kg/Ha
Signature Xtra Stressgard is proven to protect turf from stresses during summer decline, improves turf colour, density, vigour, uniformity and playability.
Subdue Maxx 1.7 to 3.5 L/Ha
Subdue Maxx is an economical control of Pythium in all turf species, suitable for protection of germinating seedlings during overseeding.