Brown Patch

Azo-Force 250SC 2.3lt/Ha

Azo-Force 250SC controls a range of turf grass diseases including Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Fusarium and Pythium. It has a low odour is tank mix flexible and has excellent safety to the plant.

Daconil Weather Stik 13 to 20 L/Ha

For the control of Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Helminthosporium Disease and Winter Fusarium

Heritage Maxx 6 L/Ha

Heritage Maxx is best used as part of a preventative plan. The Maxx technology ensures excellent tank mix compatibility with other fungicides, foliar fertilisers and Primo Maxx.

Instrata 18 L/Ha

A crown and foliar disease specialist controlling Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Helminthosporium and Winter Fusarium.

Interface Stressgard 12.5 L/Ha

Controls disease for up to 28 days when applied preventatively. Unsurpassed, long lasting control of 6 key diseases, outstanding turf safety and no DMI growth regulatory effects.

Medallion 3 L/Ha

Medallion attacks germinating spores and developing fungal mycelium to rapidly clean and protect external surfaces.

ProForce Clean Sweep Trio12-20L/Ha

ProForce Clean Sweep Trio is a systemic fungicide that once absorbed by roots and leaves moves upwards within the plant. Can be used in rotation with strobilurin based fungicides.

ProForce Voltar 500SC 6-9L/Ha

ProForce Voltar 500SC works on all stages of the disease cycle. It provides both curative and preventative activity. Low rate of application and is in a non-scheduled formulation.

ProForce Voltar GT 250SC 12-18L/Ha

ProForce Voltar GT 250SC provides rapid, reliable curative disease control. Voltar GT 250SC is oil based and registered for 6 turf grass diseases. It works on stages of the disease lifecycle and has improved rainfast properties.

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