Spring Dead Spot
Banner Fairway 6 L/Ha
Strong and economical Spring Dead Spot control on fairways, sporting ovals and other turf areas.
Banner Maxx 5 to 10 L/Ha
Banner Maxx is an excellent choice to use early curatively, after first disease symptoms become evident.
Dedicate 2 to 3 L/Ha
Dedicate is strong on ERI and patch diseases as well as offering useful control over a range of foliar pathogens. Dedicate is a must in any program.
ProForce Voltar GT 250SC 12-18L/Ha
ProForce Voltar GT 250SC provides rapid, reliable curative disease control. Voltar GT 250SC is oil based and registered for 6 turf grass diseases. It works on stages of the disease lifecycle and has improved rainfast properties.
Velista 1 to 1.5 kg/Ha
Velista is a broad spectrum fungicide recommended for the control of many important diseases of turfgrass.