Colin Campbell Chemicals

Lohnro 100 WG, 150gr/Ha

Lohnro is used for the post-emergent control of certain broadleaf weeds and grasses in turf and for the suppression of Winter Grass as per the Directions for Use. A great option to eradicate Ryegrass, Onion Grass and a number of broadleaf weeds from warm season turf species.

Methar Tri Kombi 4.2 L/Ha

Methar Tri Kombi is a selective broadleaf herbicide that controls: Bindii, Capeweed, Creeping Oxalis, Clover, Fat Hen and Wireweed plus many more invasive weeds in all turf situations.

Passtox Clear 25 to 66 L/Ha

Passtox Clear is the right choice to eradicate Paspalum, Summer Grass, Crab Grass, Sedges and Nut Grass from couch fairways and lawns. Note, do not use on Kikuyu.

Poachek 1.5 L/Ha

Poachek is a post -emergent Herbicide ideal for use on golf course and bowling greens, sportsfields and lawns for the control of Winter Grass.

Sportsground 4.2 L/Ha

Sportsground is an effective broad spectrum herbicide safe to use in all turf situations for broadleaf weeds. The active ingredients are: Mecoprop, MCPA and Dicamba. Controls Bindii, Capeweed, Catsear, Fat Hen, Pealwort, Mallow and many more weeds in turf.

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