Quali-Pro Evolution Advance 1-1.6L/Ha

Evolution Advance has a dual combination of a DMI + strobilurin which ensures infections are targeted from the time of spore germination on the leaf surface through to mycelial development within the leaves. Applying Evolution Advance as a preventative treatment prior to spore germination will achieve the maximum benefit from both active ingredients.

  1. General Details

    Quali-Pro Evolution Advance, is a systemic, curative and preventative fungicide which will control all major foliar, crown and root diseases. These include Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Helminthosporium, Pythium, SDS, Take-all-Patch, Couch Decline, Summer Patch and Decline as well as Fairway Patch.

  2. Order Enquiry

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  3. Product Label
  4. SDS
  5. Tech Sheets
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