Creeping Oxalis form a dense mat and takes over large areas, suffocating anything growing underneath.
Creeping Oxalis
- General Information
Creeping Oxalis or yellow wood sorrel has trifoliate leaves which have 3 heart shaped leaflets. It is a low growing and creeping variety that can spread quickly, once it takes hold. This plant flourishes during spring and summer. The roots creep and move throughout the turf making it difficult to eradicate, as the plant can be weak stemmed and the root often remains behind when the weed is uprooted.
- Treating Solutions
ProForce Duke 100WG 100-150g/Ha
ProForce Duke 100WG is safe to apply on Kikuyu and Couchgrass to control a wide range of weeds and grasses in sportsfields and fairways. For the best suppression of Wintergrass, it is best to target younger weed plants.
Sportsground 4.2 L/Ha
Sportsground is an effective broad spectrum herbicide safe to use in all turf situations for broadleaf weeds. The active ingredients are: Mecoprop, MCPA and Dicamba. Controls Bindii, Capeweed, Catsear, Fat Hen, Pealwort, Mallow and many more weeds in turf.
Methar Tri Kombi 4.2 L/Ha
Methar Tri Kombi is a selective broadleaf herbicide that controls: Bindii, Capeweed, Creeping Oxalis, Clover, Fat Hen and Wireweed plus many more invasive weeds in all turf situations.
Fairway 4 to 5 L/Ha
Fairway will provide a quick weed knockdown as well as being one of the broadest spectrum broadleaf weed herbicides available on the market, registered to control 11 weeds.
Spearhead 5 L/Ha
Spearhead is the industry leading broadleaf weed control option in the turf industry.
Casper 1.2 kg/Ha
The wide spectrum broadleaf weed specialist in a convenient water dispersible granular formulation.
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